Features on pechanga.net
Walk the path of a warrior every day.
Strive to improve my relationship with the Creator.
Pray to win the battle against my worst enemy – myself.
Read every day to learn about the world around me.
Write every day to learn more about myself.
Make the best effort at everything I do.
Respect myself and everyone around me.
Maintain control of myself at all times.
Lead by example or loyally follow.
Be a good listener and observer.
Focus on the task at hand.
Lead a balanced life.
Act with a purpose.
Take notes.
Take risks.
Be positive.
Stay true to myself.
Take pride in sacrifice.
Seek acceptance from within.
Spend some time alone every day.
Ask “what next?” and not “why me?”
Keep updated written goals and milestones.
Know there is no substitute for preparation.
Surround myself with positive, supportive people.
Learn from the mistakes of my own and of others.
Understand that life is a journey, not a destination.
Be a master of my destiny, not a victim of circumstance.
Take care of my body and health.
Practice, practice, practice.
Be late.
Waste time.
Make excuses.
Judge others or gossip.
Define success for others.
Get bogged down in details.
Burden others with my problems.
Expect more from others than I do of myself.
Catch the “coulda, woulda, shoulda, if” disease.